Error, class j00005beds24 does not exist. Most likely you've renamed a minicomponent file, but not the class in that file Mi Sueno - holiday home with private swimming pool in Benissa

Error, class j00005beds24 does not exist. Most likely you've renamed a minicomponent file, but not the class in that file
Mi Sueno Avenida Mediterranea 29 (23), Benissa, Alicante, 03720, Spain 0034-9 6649 7010
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11€ (10%) ( Per person per day )
noimage_small Mi Sueno - holiday home with private swimming pool in Benissa
3€ (10%) ( Per day )
noimage_small Mi Sueno - holiday home with private swimming pool in Benissa
High chair
3€ (10%) ( Per day )
noimage_small Mi Sueno - holiday home with private swimming pool in Benissa
5€ (10%) ( Per day )
noimage_small Mi Sueno - holiday home with private swimming pool in Benissa
Welcome pack
40€ (10%) ( Per booking )
noimage_small Mi Sueno - holiday home with private swimming pool in Benissa

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